Step into the world of Product Control, where finance meets strategy and markets find balance. Discover how this dynamic field bridges trading, risk, and financial reporting, offering you unmatched exposure to global markets and cutting-edge analytical challenges. Join us to explore exciting career opportunities and learn how you can shape the future of finance while building skills that set you apart.

🎯 The presentation will be conducted in English.

We invite adults to the KUE Job Fair.

Formularz zapisu na szkolenie

A Day in the Life of Product Control: Where Numbers Meet Strategy at HSBC. Experience the dynamic role of Product Control, the financial backbone that ensures market integrity and strategic balance – prezentacja HSBC (Targi Pracy UEK)

Termin: 2025-03-04 11:30:00

Czas: 1 godzina

Miejsce: Pawilon Sportowo-Dydaktyczny, I piętro, s. 3

Key information:

Subject: A Day in the Life of Product Control: Where Numbers Meet Strategy at HSBC. Experience the dynamic role of Product Control, the financial backbone that ensures market integrity and strategic balance

Type: stacjonarnie

Date: 04-03-2025, 11:30

Duration: 1 godzina

Place: Pawilon Sportowo-Dydaktyczny, I piętro, s. 3

Number of vacancies: 100

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