Meet with an experienced hiring professional from Grammarly and get a free individual online consultation to help you make your CV exceptional and stand out in interviews.
During the meeting, you will receive:
- Feedback on your CV and tips on how it could be improved.
- Examples of how to showcase your potential if you have no prior work experience.
- A promo code for getting free access to the paid version of Grammarly for three months!
After the consultation, you’ll get more ideas for:
🌟 Understanding the job opportunity: Explore how the desired role aligns with your aspirations before applying.
💬 Mastering communication: Discover techniques to clearly convey your experience and motivation.
🔧Problem-solving strategies: Learn the best approaches for managing stress.
Feel free to sign up for a 45-minute consultation in English or Ukrainian in November and December. We hope our experience of growing a team of 100 will help you ace any interview!
Available dates can be found here: CV Dos and Don’ts
❗❗❗Remember to sign up by KUE domain email!
In the e-mail confirming your registration, you will receive the contact details of the Grammarly Expert. Please contact her before the meeting (as soon as possible) and provide her with the following information:
– send your CV (using KUE student domain);
– specify the language of the consultation (the target language is English, but it is also possible to consult in Polish).
Grammarly Expert will send you a link to the meeting via email.
About the Expert:
Lori Pelypenko, Customer Support Manager
I have spent 12 years with Grammarly and have 9 years of experience in hiring team members for Customer Support and other departments. I worked with the recruitment team to enhance the interview process. Since 2022, I have been developing Grammarly’s employer brand in Poland and taking part in job fairs at KUE.

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