Job Fair
Become an exhibitor at the KUE Job Fair!
The KUE Job Fair is one of the University’s most widely recognised events, highly ranked by employers, as well as by students and graduates.
We cooperate with companies and offer effective solutions that help them to reach successfully potential candidates with their job offers. We ensure top quality services, effective advertising activities within the University community, high attendance rates and competitive terms of participation.
If you are interested in participating in the event, please e-mail us at kariery@uek.krakow.pl to obtain a detailed offer.

Academy of Development
The next edition of the Development Academy 2023/2024 is launched!
We would like to invite Employers to cooperate within the scope of the Academy of Development – a webinars and training series addressed at KUE students and graduates. The online or on-site sessions are held by experts in various fields.
Within the framework of the Academy of Development, we offer free-of-charge coordination of meetings, event marketing via SCC’s and KUE’s social media and support of the registration process according to our requirements.

Forms of cooperation with the SCC
Start cooperating with the SCC!
Job fairs, the Academy of Development or posting job offers on our platform are not enough. Our forms of cooperation are unlimited.
You are welcome to meet with a SCC member of staff (in person or online) to discuss the details of the collaboration. E-mail us at: kariery@uek.krakow.pl to schedule a meeting.
What do we offer?
We are proud of our Partners! Join us!