Job database
Job opportunities for CUE students and graduates
Want to browse the latest job, internship and apprenticeship offers? Sign in Student Career Centre’s JobTeaser service!
Job teaser
Create an account at SCC’s Job Teaser!
Register your account and you will gain access to:
job, internship and apprenticeship offers tailored to your individual profile,
- International labour market,
- Convenient application method,
- Career-oriented events organized by companies and the University,
- Extended company database including information on their operations and current recruitment processes,
- Career counselling module,
- Knowledge base.
Once you have created an account, be sure to change your email address from your university email address to your private email address. This will give you unlimited time access to the offer database.
Latest job offers
We help build the careers of our students and graduates. Find out what we can help you with.

News from SCC KUE
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To szansa na zdobycie nowych umiejętności, rozwój zawodowy i lepszy start na rynku pracy.
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We are proud of our Partners! Join us!