Student / Graduates Zone

Student / Graduates Zone

We support you in your career

We support you in your career

We create a network of connections between entrepreneurs and students and graduates of the Krakow University of Economics.

We create a network of connections between entrepreneurs and students and graduates of the Krakow University of Economics.

Check out the opportunities provided by SCC.

We help build the careers of our students and graduates. Find out how we can help you.

Job database

Want to browse the latest job, internship and apprenticeship offers? Log on to the JobTeaser service of the Student Career Centre!

Academy of Developement and Career counselling

Join us for training courses, presentations and free one-to-one consultations to support personal and professional development. They are led by professionals involved in the labour and business market and experienced trainers.

Internships abroad

You can do Erasmus+ internships abroad as a student or graduate. To apply you must have student status. Find out how you can receive funding and gain experience on the European labour market.

Job Fair KUE

Take part or check out what’s happening at the KUE Job Fair. Meet employers, consult your CV with HR specialists, and attend company presentations and development workshops.

KUE internships

Information on the choice of, and rules for, obligatory student internships at the Krakow University of Economics.

Career and development

Get information on possible career paths. Information on postgraduate studies, MBAs, alumni information, job and internship offers, and volunteer work.

Students with disabilities

Information about the KUE Disability Support Office, a list of Internet portals, organizations and offices supporting Persons with Disabilities professionally.

Documents to download

In one place, you will find templates for all documents relating to internships abroad and obligatory KUE interships.


All job offers in one place! SCC KUE and JobTeaser!

Ułatwiamy współpracę studentów, absolwentów i pracodawców. Akademickie Centrum Kariery UEK rozpoczęło współpracę z platformą JobTeaser.

Portal kariery JobTeaser został zaprojektowany tak, aby wspierać studentów i absolwentów UEK w trakcie budowania wymarzonej kariery zawodowej. Pracodawcom, naszym partnerom, umożliwia on wygodny dostęp do narzędzi komunikacji z kandydatami do pracy.

Do tego rejestracja i używanie platformy jest całkowicie darmowe! Sprawdź jakie benefity daje rejestracja na platformie:

  • For students and graduates: job database and your professional profile on the JobTeaser platform
  • For employers: registration and posting of job vacancies on the JobTeaser platform

Latest job offers

We help build the careers of our students and graduates. Find out what we can help you with.

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